Student-Led Organizations

卡斯提列亚的学生有几十个俱乐部和课外机会可供选择. Through these organizations, students learn, engage, have fun, and develop hands-on leadership skills.

ACE组织是Castilleja的学生领导和学生驱动的社会影响团队. 这个项目为学生培养意识提供了一个框架, build empathy, develop skills, 并产生影响,培养一代见多识广、积极进取的青年领袖,他们有能力解决社会和环境问题,并影响世界的变化. ACE Orgs are proposed, designed, and led by sophomores, juniors, and seniors, 所有美国学生都必须参加一个ACE组织.

The list below is a sampling of some of these organizations. Student Activities & Organizations are truly student-led and student-focused, 所以机会每年都会随着利息的变化而变化.

Student-Led Organizations: ACE Orgs 2023–2024